3D Printed Carbon-Fiber Kevlar® Composites

February 21, 2019

Carbon fiber, when 3D-printed with reinforcing layers of Kevlar®, creates high-strength and impact-resistant composite.

What is carbon fiber?

Carbon fiber is a filament composed of carbon atoms organized in a crystalline structure. It is widely used in the aerospace and automotive industries due to its stiffness and strength.

How strong is carbon fiber?

Carbon fiber has a flexural strength (bend strength) of 540 MPa (78.3 ksi). With a tensile strength of 800 MPa (116.0 ksi), it has more than twice the ultimate tensile strength of aluminum.

What is Kevlar®?

Developed by Stephanie Kwolek, Kevlar® is a lightweight, heat-resistant synthetic fiber. It was first used to replace steel wheels in automobiles.

How strong is Kevlar®?

Kevlar® is a polymer that is 8x more impact resistant than ABS plastic, and an extremely lightweight reinforcement fiber. It's used for impact-resistant armour, and across the automotive industry.

Its high impact resistance makes Kevlar® perfect for industrial machining parts. It can withstand repetitive motion to deliver lightweight jaws and end-use parts.

Similar to carbon fiber, It has a high tensile strength, but it is less dense than both carbon and fiberglass.

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